Meet Nova Spektr: The all-in-one Polkadot Desktop Wallet

Novasama Technologies is excited to announce the release of Nova Spektr — our all-in-one Polkadot Desktop Wallet!

Nova Spektr is a one-stop Polkadot desktop app, engineered with enterprise-grade capabilities such as multisigs, hardware wallets, light clients, and much more.

Nova Spektr is your gateway to the Polkadot ecosystem, designed to meet the requirements of enterprises, power users, and individual users alike.

Available Today!

We are proud to announce that Nova Spektr is available for download and is fully open-source. This initial release includes tons of pioneering features:

1. Multichain Wallet — Nova Spektr supports 70+ Polkadot ecosystem networks, and hundreds of tokens consolidating them all under a single interface!

2.Multisigs — Experience superior security with truly multi-chain Multisig Wallets in Nova Spektr!

3.Light Clients — Unleash an unstoppable, fast and trustless working environment with Nova Spektr by utilizing locally hosted blockchain nodes to manage your digital assets in the Polkadot ecosystem!

4.Polkadot Vault — Safeguard your assets by integrating your Polkadot Vault hardware wallet with Nova Spektr!

5.Multishard Staking — Experience the first-ever implementation of Multishard features, enhancing the privacy of your Staking operations and more!

6.Data Verification — Benefit from Polkadot and Kusama Light Clients to cryptographically verify data from public blockchain nodes!

7.Open source & Trustless — Your data remains yours — Nova Spektr never stores or tracks user data!

Multisigs: Easy. Trustless. Multichain.

Multisigs allow organizations and/or teams to manage their assets in a simple, secure and collaborative manner, requiring a predefined level of consensus to be reached for each transaction’s authorization.

Enterprise Grade Security — with a multisig your assets are no longer controlled by a single account which has the potential of being lost or compromised. Instead, multisigs allow you to assign multiple accounts as signatories for your assets, along with a predefined number of signatures which are required to approve any transaction. This means your valuable digital assets are safeguarded with an unmatched level of security, akin to a digital bank vault that requires multiple keys to open. Multisig transactions are transparent, verifiable, and don’t require any trust in a 3rd party.

Multichain & Native — when you create a multisig using Nova Spektr you have access to 55+ Polkadot ecosystem networks including Polkadot, Kusama, Astar, KILT, HydraDX, Interlay, and Phala along with support for hundreds of assets all from the same multisig accountSpektr supports any Polkadot ecosystem network that utilizes the standard multisig pallet in its runtime.

Multisigs are fully on-chain, trustless and decentralized by nature, but with Nova Spektr we have gone a step beyond and made them super simple to use by implementing the Spektr Matrix Protocol (SMP).

SMP is based on Matrix, a secure and decentralized communications protocol. SMP greatly simplifies the multisig user experience by utilizing Matrix to securely share information between multisig signatories in Nova Spektr, removing the requirement for the initial creator of each transaction to have to share information with the rest of the signatories in order to finalize transactions. In the future SMP will also allow you to send encrypted messages right from Nova Spektr so that you can discuss multisig operations with all your other signatories in a simple and secure way.

Multichain, Light Clients, Data Verification

Nova Spektr supports over 70 Polkadot ecosystem networks and hundreds of different assets, all of which can be seen from one screen in a single customizable list, providing you with a true multichain experience!

Our Light Client integration provides a truly unstoppable and censorship resistant connection to the Polkadot ecosystem. Nova Spektr allows you to easily run your own lightweight blockchain node to connect to Polkadot or Kusama, allowing you to directly connect to the network, removing any potential levels of censorship, preserving your user privacy, and removing any delays associated with connecting to public blockchain nodes.

However, running dozens of your own blockchain nodes to connect to every network via Light Client can be very demanding on your system. To tackle this issue we have implemented a bespoke state of the art system — Parachain Data Verification.

Parachain Data Verification utilizes your direct & censorship resistant Light Client connection to Polkadot and Kusama to verify that information that you receive from parachain public blockchain nodes is correct. This allows you to ensure that the public blockchain nodes are not delivering you incorrect / malicious information, and ensures that you only receive verified information such as your token balances and transaction fees.

Multishard staking: Orchestrate your advanced account setups!

For more advanced users, Multishard Wallets equip you with an efficient tool to manage multiple accounts across different chains, introducing a new level of account management capabilities. Users of Nova Spektr can seamlessly operate a set of accounts (referred to as “Shards”) as a unified entity. Whilst each sharded account remains independent, they are intelligently associated with each other within the Nova Spektr application — enabling streamlined operations and enhanced account management capabilities.

Nova Spektr has the first-ever implementation of Multishard features — which allows you to enhance the privacy of your operations, such as Staking, by utilizing the power of Multishards!

What’s next? Roadmap

We have just delivered what we have promised in our Polkadot Treasury Proposal for Nova Spektr Milestone 2, feel free to check out our report to find out more about our past years worth of development!

With Nova Spektr, we remain committed to innovating and elevating the Polkadot ecosystem. We intend to make the ultimate all-in-one desktop application for the Polkadot ecosystem, just like we have accomplished for mobile platforms with Nova Wallet!

Join the Nova Spektr Community!

Stay ahead of the curve by joining the Nova Spektr community and get involved to help shape the future of Nova Spektr!

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About Novasama Technologies

Novasama Technologies develops user-focused applications for the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems. Our portfolio includes Nova Wallet, the leading mobile app for the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems available on iOS and Android devices, and Nova Spektr the full-spectrum Polkadot Desktop Wallet available on macOS, Linux and Windows.